
Advanced Control of Energy Systems (ACES)

Advanced Control of Energy Systems (ACES) is a multidisciplinary research group constituted by engineers, physicists and mathematicians belonging to the Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Automatic Control, and Mathematics Departments of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). The group has been recognized and funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya in the calls SGR 2005-2008, SGR 2009-2013, SGR 2014-2016, and SGR 2017-2020.


The aim of the group is to contribute to the progress of scientific knowledge, the training of specialized personnel and the diffusion of technological advances, in the field of modelling and control of complex systems, and its application to problems related to the generation, conditioning, management and storage of electrical energy.

The facilities of the group include laboratories of control, power electronics, and electrical drives, together with the ancillary instrumentation and equipment to perform experimental validations. 


Keywords: complex systems, nonlinear systems, control theory, electrical energy systems, power electronics, automotive systems, hybrid drive, cooperative driving, fuel cells

Expertise in:
 embedded systems and real time systems, generators, electric engines and power converters, mathematical modelling, analysis, desig and implementation of control systems, automation, fuel cells

Persons in charge

Enric Fossas Colet (enric.fossas@upc.edu) Institut d'Organització i Control de Sistemes Industrials (IOC), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Campus Sud Edifici H, Avda. Diagonal 647, pl. 11, 08028 Barcelona 
Tel: (+34) 934.017.779, Fax: (+34) 934.016.605

Josep M. Olm (josep.olm@upc.edu)Institut d'Organització i Control de Sistemes Industrials (IOC), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Campus Sud Edifici H, Avda. Diagonal 647, pl. 11, 08028 Barcelona 
Tel: (+34) 934.016.657, Fax: (+34) 934.016.605